We're so very proud to announce that our CEO, Astrid Van den Broeck, has been nominated for the prestigious price of YOUNG ICT LADY of the Year 2022.
Please show your support for this incredible woman by voting for her on shegoesict.be and get her into the top 5!
You can vote until 19th of December.
We also want to convey our sincerest congratulations to the 9 other nominees. Thank you for inspiring talented and driven young girls everywhere. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed!

Why should you vote for her?
That Astrid is an incredibly woman, everyone around her already knows. With the nomination for Young ICT Lady, she finally gets the public recognition she deserves.
Right out of college, after getting her Master's Degree as a Commercial Engineer, she co-founded her first tech business: DinnerGift, a start-up that specializes in online gift vouchers for restaurants.
When the corona pandemic hit in 2020, she and the rest of the company worked free of charge, and harder than ever to help their clients survive. They launched "De Grootste Buurt Bistro" together with Give a Day and were able to rally the whole of Belgium behind the cause to save the Belgian hospitality business.

That wasn't enough, though! During the lockdown, it became acutely apparent that businesses had to innovate or drown. They chose innovation, and that's how TableFixr was born. With several thousands of downloads in a matter of weeks, TableFixr helps users to discover new, and exciting places to go for dinner. Moreover, the app will be able to provide big data to restaurants, which in turn will help to give them an essential advantage in this digital age.
Launching a new app, while you don't know how to code, is very difficult, however. So naturally, Astrid learned herself to code in just a matter of months! Today, she's well on her way to compete for the title of CTO.
So because of all of this, because she decided to do more instead of less, because she saw opportunities where other people would have seen defeat, because she learns what she needs to overcome obstacles, and because she's one of the best technical minded people her field has to offer, we believe she is the:
ICT Lady of the year.